Summer reminds me of a glass of lemonade, filled to the brim with tangy sweetness and drained in a few gulps. It can be easy to drift through this season, letting the days rush by in a whir of activity and relaxation. The sensory overload of sun, projects, and plans can lull us into living shallowly and forgetting that we are God’s emissaries on an eternal, kingdom mission.

In a purely spiritual sense, letting summer slip by on autopilot is both wasteful and dangerous. Marking time, even for a few weeks, robs us of a prime opportunity to glorify our Creator, declare the gospel, and grow in grace. But it can also lead to backsliding that leaves us vulnerable to Enemy attack. As our summer glass fills and spills over, let’s seek not only physical refreshment and bounty, but also spiritual renewal and growth for ourselves and our families.

Drifting does not take any effort at all;
just stop cultivating the knowledge of Christ,
and the evil current of secularism does the rest.
Jack Miller, 2004

Set Your Attention on Things Above

Matthew 25:14-30 compares the kingdom of God to a wealthy man who left his trusted servants in charge of the business while he traveled to another country. The two who truly honored him made the most of what he had given them during his absence, while the third simply hid his investment until the owner’s return, earning his disappointment and judgement. We need to be careful not to do the same with our time.

Set your minds on what is above,
not on what is on the earth.
Colossians 3:2

Rather, we should live in a way that anticipates the return of our Lord, remembering that His kingdom is not of this world, and we are laying up spiritual treasure in heaven.

  • Summer is an ideal time to connect with neighbors and others and sow the seed of the gospel.
  • If you haven’t already established a habit of personal devotions (spending time in Bible reading and prayer each day), the long hours of summer daylight can make it easier to set aside time in the early morning and late evening and make this a pattern in your life.
  • Planned summer vacations offer more leisure time to spend in private or familial communion with God. Choose to pursue spiritual as well as physical refreshment during these times.
  • Include the Bible and other spiritually uplifting books on your and/or your children’s summer reading lists.
Remain Attuned to the Wellbeing of Others

Our joy is integrally connected to the wellbeing of our fellow believers. Encourage yourself and your family members to look for ways to bless others with your summer free time rather than focusing solely on themselves.

  • Before making plans or devoting downtime to your own idea of a relaxing summer activity, consider whether there is someone else you can include or minister to in some way.
  • Find opportunities to fellowship with other believers.
  • Incorporate ministry into your summer plans. Participate in a camp or sports ministry, VBS, mission trip, or other outreach.

So that you may walk worthy of the Lord,
fully pleasing to Him,
bearing fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of God.
Colossians 1:10

Remember Your Purpose

Admonishments to live wholeheartedly and “be present in the moment” take on a deeper meaning for Christians. We exist in every place and moment for a purpose, and like the servants in Matthew 25, each of us will give account to God for how well we fulfill that purpose. Quiet moments, boring moments, in-between moments, sun-dazed summer afternoon moments—we can buzz through them without a second thought, or we can stop and ask:

  • How can I praise God in this moment?
  • Who can I bless in this moment?
  • What can I learn in this moment?
  • What really matters in this moment?

So bottom line, let’s live joyfully, but purposely and full of love this summer.

Written by

April Alvis

April writes and edits with a parrot on her shoulder and outdoors whenever possible.

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