Truth is often hard to hear. Perhaps this is why Jesus told His early disciples “it will set you free”. So here’s the truth…

The Truth

Every time Jesus spoke with a woman, He liberated her.

Yet generations of women have been convinced that the sin of Eve makes us complicit in a heritage of sin in which grace alone is insufficient to secure our spiritual legacy. We must also embrace silence, suffering, and sacrifice in a way unique only to women.

We use words like ‘different’, instead of ‘deficient’, to explain why women only do certain things. When a woman says she is called to preach or to teach, we ignore the example of Jesus with the woman at the well or His appearance to Mary after His resurrection, saying “Go tell my disciples…”, and say, “God doesn’t use women in that way”.

While the explanations vary depending on the preferred language of the time, the outcome, does not. Shame and guilt are used to undermine and restrict not just the individual woman, but God’s work through her in the world.

The Solution

It’s difficult to acknowledge these facts, much less give voice to the impact these powerful beliefs have had and continue to have on women of faith.  Yet if we are to walk in the freedom Jesus sacrificed to give us we must…

Rely not on authority for truth, but on truth for authority.
Lucretia Mott


Our Team

Austine Brown Rawllins

Austine is the founder of PROJECT2031. A serial entrepreneur, Austine has served for over twenty years in the Marine Corps. Currently living in Durham, NC, she is excited to see where God takes PROJECT2031.

Kristen Fescoe

Kristen is a woman of many talents...prison therapist, volunteer rape crisis counselor, psychology professor and now writing for PROJECT2031. We're thankful to have her enthusiasm.

Milenko Radic

Milenko is a Wordpress wizard and the website developer extraordinaire behind PROJECT2031. We thank him for all his efforts in getting and keeping us up and running.

Melanie Miller

Melanie Miller

Melanie has been a public high school English teacher since 1986 and considers her classroom her mission field. She is a writer who loves to use her God-given talent to spread God’s Word and love. We're blessed to have her writing for PROJECT2031.

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